D.C. Bar Pro Bono Center
Volunteer with WTA at the D.C. Bar Pro Bono Center Advice & Referral Clinic on 9/14
Provide individuals who do not have their own lawyer an opportunity to discuss civil legal problems governed by D.C. law.
Posted July 22, 2019
It is estimated that about 70 percent of individuals requesting free legal assistance require only brief services—not full representation—to solve their legal problems.
The D.C. Bar Pro Bono Center Advice & Referral Clinic offers pro se individuals the opportunity to discuss with volunteer attorneys certain kinds of matters governed by D.C. or federal law, including bankruptcy/debt collection, consumer law, employment law, family law, health law, housing law, personal injury, probate, public benefits, and tax law. All services are provided free of charge.
The Clinic is limited to providing general information, advice, and brief services, and does not provide representation. With a small number of Clinic clients, providing brief services may not always be achievable by the end of the Clinic session and may require some of the volunteer attorney’s time after the Clinic. However, Clinic volunteers do not appear in Court or otherwise establish an extended attorney-client relationship unless they wish to do so and discuss the matter with Pro Bono Center staff.
If brief services are not enough to resolve the problem or if a different type of service is required, Clinic volunteers attempt to refer individuals to or provide information about a legal or social service provider appropriately suited to handle the case.
Volunteers are not expected to be familiar with every area of law we see at the clinic. In fact, we anticipate that most volunteers will have very little, if any, experience in the types of matters on which they will advise. Therefore, Pro Bono Center staff and expert mentors are available on-site.
D.C. Bar Pro Bono Center
The Pro Bono Center recruits, trains, and mobilizes volunteer attorneys to take pro bono cases serving individuals living in poverty who are at risk of losing their homes, their livelihoods, and their families. The center also helps small businesses and community-based nonprofits needing legal assistance. Last year, the Pro Bono Center touched the lives of more than 20,000 D.C. residents.
D.C. Bar Pro Bono Center
The Pro Bono Center recruits, trains, and mobilizes volunteer attorneys to take pro bono cases serving individuals living in poverty who are at risk of losing their homes, their livelihoods, and their families. The center also helps small businesses and community-based nonprofits needing legal assistance. Last year, the Pro Bono Center touched the lives of more than 20,000 D.C. residents.